Dr.Anderson and the entire team here take your oral health seriously. We offer dental services in a high-tech office with personalized care.
If discoloration, gaps, cracks, or mildly crooked teeth are holding you back from having the smile of your dreams, dental bonding is a wonderful solution for you. At Anderson Dental Professionals, we can restore or repair your smile, giving you the confidence to cheese more often in photographs, and maybe even, on a whim, wink at yourself in the mirror.
Bridges are natural-looking, custom-made dental appliances consisting of an artificial tooth connected to a set of crowns, that replace a section of missing teeth for smile coherency. Their customized nature makes them difficult to detect and they also help regulate the bite relationship between your upper and lower teeth.
Missing teeth shouldn’t cause you to miss out on life. If you have some gaps in your smile but are not quite sold on the idea of dentures, there are some other teeth replacement options that can complete your smile and restore your confidence. Dental crowns seamlessly blend in with your natural teeth, giving you a grin, you can’t wait to bear.
At Anderson Dental Professionals, we want our patients to live long, healthy lives, which is why we’re determined to keep your oral health in a peak state. You may think dentist visits are all about checking on your teeth, but the truth is that your gums provide a lot of information about your overall well-being as well.
With our teeth whitening procedures, you can quickly and permanently reverse the dull quality of your smile, giving you a bright, gleaming grin, you can flash confidently.
You deserve to feel confident about your smile. If you have cracked, chipped, worn out, oddly spaced or discolored teeth, there’s a simple smile solution on the market. Veneers can help you close the gaps between your current smile and the grin you fantasize about.
When you’re missing natural teeth, everyday activities can suddenly become more burdensome. Eating may be uncomfortable, and speaking can require additional effort, impacting the quality of your relationships and interactions. If you’re missing many teeth, your mouth can also begin to sag, adding unwanted years to your appearance.
If you’re ready to implement dentures into your daily life, we’ll happily help you find the perfect fit for you. In the meantime, here are brief summaries of the most common types of specialty dentures to give you an idea of potential options.
Sometimes the only way to improve a situation is by removing the elements that aren’t working. This applies to life and to your oral health. Wisdom teeth sound like they might be useful, but in spite of their philosophical name, they can often do more harm than good. For some patients, wisdom teeth can overcrowd the mouth, sometimes leading to pain, cysts, or oral infections.
We understand that root canals may sound frightening, but what’s even more frightening is living every day with distracting pain. The truth is that root canals are not nearly as bad as they’ve been made out to be by the media, and that any pain you’re suffering now is worse than the treatment itself.
Often referred to as partial crowns, inlays and onlays are used to strengthen as lightly damaged tooth, restoring its shape, and preventing further harm. An inlay is used when the cusps of the tooth are intact. It’s placed directly on the tooth to strengthen and restore its integrity. Onlays are required for teeth with slightly more damage.
After an operation, it’s important to follow protocol to ensure that your body heals properly and that your treatment stands the test of time. As a rule of thumb, you should avoid eating for two hours after oral surgery, to make sure the anesthesia wears off and prevent soft tissue damage. Our general guidelines for each common procedure are below, but your dentist will give you comprehensive instructions after your treatment as well.
At Anderson Dental Professionals, we’re always delighted to meet new patients and welcome in office regulars. If you have questions, concerns, or would like to set up an appointment, please give us a call at (219) 940-3149. We’re always happy to hear from you!
Monday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday – 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Closed
Thursday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday – Closed